Sunday, January 25, 2015

Igloo Construction Begins!

Brrrrr....  Igloo time has arrived in Teamville!  Our class has been collecting and counting milk jugs for about a month now eagerly anticipating the day when we'd reach the 100 mark! Students were told that at that point, construction would begin on our class igloo.  So... we started with one:

and then the bags started coming in!  We have been counting and grouping our milk jugs into bags of tens and are becoming quite the math experts at tens and ones!  :)  Sure enough (largely due to the mass donation by Xander's family), we quickly met our goal of 100 milk jugs, and the construction began!  Mrs. Moore got the main base started for us one evening... We were so excited to come in one morning and see:


During the school day (as long as there are still milk jugs waiting), Mrs. Moore calls a few students over to help construct. (Don't worry!  She doesn't let them work the glue gun!  It's way to hot and dangerous!  The kids have the important job of holding the milk jugs in place and counting to 50 to ensure the construction is solid and long-lasting!)



Now our igloo looks like this...

So what next?
Keep those milk jugs coming!  Maybe you could even ask friends and neighbors to contribute!  We need about 400 more in order to complete our igloo!  Keep in mind that they need to be washed out with bleach, well-rinsed and dried and sent to school with the caps on!  Thank you so much!


Gingerbread Day Brings Smiles

Gingerbread Day was a huge success thanks to the help of many volunteers, including parents, grandparents, the high school Home Ec class and WE TAP.  The kindergarten classes enjoyed rotating between the following stations:

  • Gingerbread Symmetry
  • Cookie Decorating
  • Gingerbread Counting, Tasting & Graphing
  • Gingerbread Playdough
  • Gingerbread Story/Puppets
  • The Gingerbread Baby game
This fun-filled day of learning often remains a favorite for the kindergarteners for years to come...







Thank you, Everyone, for a GREAT day!